Burger King Is Better Ay
Dedicated To Those Who Have Gone Before You, Walk Behind You, And Stand Next To You Homegirls P/V This is one of my most favorite movie clips of all times. In a matter of sixty seconds it shows the love between two friends who became much more like sisters. Una amiga de alma, one who not only understands that which life has brought you, but can see the good in you, even when you cannot see it in yourself. Homegirls, carnalas. A word spoken, one simple glance, you understand where she's coming from and where she's been. You see a small reminder of your homegirl in the midst of your busy day and you stop for just a second and smile, say a short prayer and move on your way. The struggles, the pain, the confusion, the hurt, the depression, the stress, the disappointment, the utter joys, smiles, tears, and laughter, you share the very joys and sorrows of your life with your homegirl. No judgements made, no strings attached, nothing but amor y respeto for her. Homegirls for life. Never expecting anything in return, but always wanting to give all that you have because you understand the blessings of having a carnala such as this. There is never an effort that needs to be made, never a feeling of obligation to be met, you could live two differemt lives, and yet the minute you find yourselves in each others presence it is like your friendship never skipped a beat. Right back where you found yourself last. Shooting the breeze, sharing about love, life, things that really matter to no one else, big and small. She's your carnala. No need for veils, no need to hide behind the image that we've learned to build up from the minute we took our first breath. No need to make excuses or apologies, you take each other as you are. It's a barrio type of love. One that grows in the hearts of those who have not only seen struggle, but have breathed it, tasted it, and lived it. Carnalas Por Vida, que no? Porque la vida no seria lo mismo sin ti. A Homegirl's Prayer Homegirls for life Through thick and thin I say a prayer for you Because I understand where you've been I can see where you are going And where you want to be Lord, I pray that you find her Just as much as you found me Homegirls for life Through thick and thin Lord, I say a prayer for my homegirl Teach her how to breath once again How to live life Because living requires breath Teach her how to live again Free from the sting of death You prepared a table before my enemies And one before my friends The depths of your love for us Lord, There is no end You've gone to such great lengths, My Savior and My Lord, To show your love for us Something that this sinful man could never afford Today I say a prayer for you my homegirl A smile, a shedding of a tear I say a prayer for you homegirl Lord, I pray you draw her near =La Chula= ***Pass this on to your homegirls. Remind them that they are a blessing from God.***
Ponte TruchaBurn the ships! We're not going back! Leaving an eternal mark on this world, one calle at a time. Archives
October 2016
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